Friday, March 31, 2006

Another non-embryonic stem cell success story

Nordeaster brought me word of this recent story of a boy whose life was saved by umbilical cord blood cells:
But what's different about Chase is that daily he takes 11 medications. Weekly he undergoes physical, occupational and speech therapy sessions in his home, relearning and retraining muscles weakened in his battle against adrenoleukodystrophy.


It was in July 2005 that the Davises learned their son had the genetically inherited, progressive neurological disorder. According to, adrenoleukodystrophy is a deadly disease which can be fatal or cause mental and physical handicaps due to complications of the disease itself or its treatment.


Chase received a double cord blood cell transplant on Nov. 26. One transplant was from a male with A+ blood, the other from a female with B+ blood. The A+ transplant was the successful. Chase now not only has a new blood type but must retake all of his immunizations.


"The first big boost was the MRI scan at 30 days. There was no change from the last one.

"That was spectacular news," Charnas said. "Then at 92 days, it was also unchanged which was really spectacular. For a child as late in the disease as he was not to worsen was spectacular."

Darrin Davis uses the word "miracle" in describing Chase's recovery.

"This was not a miracle; it's wonderful," Charnas said. "But we went into this with science and years of experience. Chase is the first truly living testament."


[Cue CanadianCynic to not-so-subtly suggest I'm racist. Oh, wait... Chase and his family are black. Sorry, CC. Not this time. Or ever again, really.]


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